Neck lift surgery addresses loose neck skin, excess fatty deposits under the chin and relaxed neck muscles. A neck lift or neck tightening procedure is a cosmetic surgery procedure to lift the neck. It helps to tighten excess skin and smooth out line.
This procedure is an outpatient surgery so you can generally go home straight after surgery. You may experience some swelling and bruising and full recovery can take 6 – 12 weeks.

What is a Neck Lift?
Neck lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the excess skin and firms the neck. A neck lift can tighten skin and muscles, remove fat deposits, and minimise fine lines.
A neck and chin lift allows for tightening of the entire neck region. If you have lost weight and this has made your neck become loose and have excess skin, a surgical neck lift may be suitable for you.
Guide to Facial Surgery

Facial Rejuvenation
Neck Lift Results
Dr Doyle believes that the neck skin should be smooth but shouldn’t appear to be “pulling” or under any tension.
Further, as an experienced neck lift specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Doyle believes that neck lift and facelift surgery can be combined. Having a neck and lower facelift at the same time can address excess skin on the face as well as on the neck.
Dr Mark Doyle offers neck lift surgery to all patients from Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast, QLD.
Neck Lift Options
Submental Neck lift (Skin Only)
Also called a chin neck lift, this procedure focuses on lifting loose skin below the chin. The overall result is a smoother neck. If you have large amounts of excess fat on the neck and chin, liposuction may also be recommended.
Neck Lift With Muscle Tightening
This procedure, also called a platysmaplasty, targets loose skin, excess fat, and the underlying neck muscles. Treating the muscles helps to reduce the excess skin. It can also tidy up vertical folds of skin or muscle cords at the front of the neck.
Full Face Lift and Neck Lift
This procedure refers to the combination of a neck lift with a facelift. Also called a neck and jowl lift. It can target all areas of the neck and lower face, including the jowls.
Neck Lift Procedure
A neck lift operation with Dr Doyle is always performed at an accredited hospital under general anaesthesia. The procedure usually takes around 3 hours to complete.
Generally, neck lift incisions are behind the ear lobes and sometimes under the chin. Once Dr Doyle has made these incisions, he will lift the skin and tighten the underlying neck muscles. Then, the skin, the platysma muscle and other tissues are lifted and tightened before being sutured into their new position.
Most patients report minimal pain following neck lift surgery. It’s expected that you’ll have swelling and bruising following your procedure. Any swelling under the chin following the neck lift should subside within about 3 weeks. Yet, it can take up to 6 months to completely subside.
During your neck lift recovery, you’ll need to wear a head garment to support your new surgery results and reduce swelling. This garment needs to be worn for 2 – 3 weeks after your procedure. The total recovery period is about 6 weeks until you can return to normal activities.
Best Candidate
Neck lift surgery is an individualised procedure. It is not suitable for everyone. As a general rule, you must be healthy and a non-smoker (or willing to give up smoking). You must also have realistic expectations of what the surgery can achieve.
A neck lift may be suitable for you if you have:
- excess fine lines in the neck area
- loose excess skin
- no jaw definition
If you’d prefer a firmer neck, a neck lift may be suitable for you. Dr Doyle will discuss your specific concerns and surgery requirements during your consultation.
Neck Lift Before and After
Looking at neck lift before and after photos can be the best way to decide if a procedure is suitable for you. It’s also helpful when deciding on a surgeon.
The following images show Dr Doyle’s real patient’s neck lift before and after photo gallery. Please note that the following patients all had a combination face and neck lift procedure.
*Remember everyone is different and each individual will have unique and varying results.
Neck Lift Surgery by Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Mark Doyle
Yes, neck lift surgery scars are behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. They will fade over a period of 6 to 24 months.
You can generally expect the results of your neck lift to last around 10 years. This procedure will not prevent you from aging in the future.
Your final neck lift results will be apparent from 6 weeks after surgery. This is when most of your swelling will have subsided. Please note, that it can take up to 12 months to see the final results.
Possible neck lift surgery complications include swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection and poor wound healing. All other risks will be explained to you during your consultation with Dr Doyle.
A neck lift may help to reduce excess chin fat, but not always. Dr Doyle considers a neck lift to be more suitable for excess skin removal rather than for excess fat removal. If excess fat is the main concern, chin and neck liposuction may be a suitable alternative.
A mini neck lift is one that doesn’t address the muscles underneath the neck. It targets only loose skin and excess fat stores under the chin.
You’ll be asleep during your surgery so you should not feel any pain. You may experience some discomfort after surgery but this can be easily managed with pain medication.
Next Steps
If you’re considering neck lift surgery, the next step is to book a consultation. Dr Doyle is an experiences specialist plastic surgeon for neck lift surgery on Gold Coast. He also consults with neck lift patients from Brisbane, who travel specifically to see him. He will assess your individual concerns and give you a recommendation about whether this procedure is right for you.
To book a consultation, please call us on 07 5598 0988 or fill out our online enquiry form.
About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plast) – Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr Mark Doyle is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over thirty years of experience. He specialises in face lift surgery in Gold Coast and Brisbane, and also offers a range of body and breast procedures.
Dr Doyle is a fully qualified Doctor and surgeon. He has completed all required training to be a Specialist Plastic Surgeon and is driven by an committed to providing excellent standards of care.
Do Your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Read our Frequently Asked Questions
- Learn about the Risks and Complications of Surgery
- Download our Plastic Surgery Guides
- Browse Dr Doyle’s YouTube Channel
What to Bring to Your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative for support and discussion regarding your choices
- Take notes and read all provided information thoroughly
- Read about what to expect in your Initial Surgery Consultation
Book Your Plastic Surgery Consultation
- Get a Referral from your GP or specialist – this is required to book a consultation with Dr. Doyle.
- Email us or call on 07 5598 0988 to arrange your consultation appointment.
- Pay your $300 Consultation Fee in advance to secure your consultation.
Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.
Send an enquiry form today or phone 07 5598 0988 during Clinic Hours.
*DISCLAIMER: All information on Dr Mark Doyle website is general and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Results can vary significantly and depend on individual patient circumstances. All images on this website, unless specified as real patient images, are stock images used for illustrative purposes only. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your surgeon. Book a consult for details regarding your cosmetic surgery procedure.
Dr. Mark Doyle AHPRA Registration: Dr Mark Doyle MED0001375519 Specialist Plastic Surgery – MBBS FRACS FRCS