
How to Fix Drooping Eyebrow

Drooping eyebrow, also known as brow ptosis, is due to a variety of factors. Our forehead and brow change appearance over time due to age, sun damage, and genetics. This can cause our brows to droop and sag and make us look sad, concerned, tired or uninterested. Drooping eyebrows can give us permanent frown lines and forehead lines. These can make us look older than we are.

Eyebrow droop usually occurs as a result of weak forehead muscles. This happens with age and can cause the eyelids to droop too. If the eyebrow and forehead sag, it pushes the eyelid skin down. This often presents as ptosis of the eye and usually, eyebrow lift surgery can fix both concerns.

What Is Brow Ptosis?

Brow ptosis is a medical condition in which the brow falls from its normal anatomical position.

This can be a cosmetic concern or it can be a medical concern. When the muscles in the forehead push down on the eyelid, it can affect a person’s vision. This then becomes a medical concern.

Brow Ptosis Causes

Eyebrow drooping can occur in a variety of different ways:


Ageing is by far the most common cause of sagging eyebrows. It is a combination of thinning skin, weak muscles and gravity that cause drooping. Usually, the outer edge of the eyebrow is the first to droop – followed by the medial brow.

Environmental Conditions

Droopy skin is often a byproduct of sun damage, which weakens the skin and underlying muscles. If you spend a lot of time outdoors without adequate sun protection, you are more likely to develop droopy skin and eyebrows.


Brow ptosis can be genetic too. If members of your family have drooping eyebrows, it may be hereditary – meaning you’re likely to get it too. Or you may suffer from congenital brow ptosis which means that your drooping eyebrow has been present from birth.


An injury to your forehead can also cause drooping eyebrows. This could be from a car accident, a fall or any other type of trauma. If the muscles or nerves in your forehead are damaged, it can result in drooping brows.

Muscle Overuse

If you often frown or raise your eyebrows, it can weaken the muscles in your forehead over time. This can then lead to drooping and sagging brows.

Paralytic Conditions

There are a number of conditions that can cause paralysis of the muscles in your forehead. If you have had a stroke, Bell’s palsy or another type of paralysis, it can result in a drooping eyebrow.


Symptoms of brow ptosis may include:

  • low eyebrows that appear like they’ve “fallen” forward and down
  • deep set frown lines that don’t go away when resting
  • uneven eyebrows / asymmetrical eyebrows – one brow hangs lower than the other
  • droopy eyelid skin as a result of the brows pushing them down


If you only have mild ptosis and want to take precautions against brow drooping, there are a few things you can do:

  • Exercise your brow muscles – try to raise your eyebrows as high as possible and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times, 3 times a day.
  • Use sunscreen – this will help to prevent sun damage which can contribute to drooping skin and brows.
  • Avoid frowning or raising your eyebrows too much – overusing the muscles in your brow can lead to drooping.
  • Consider anti-wrinkle injections – these temporarily relax the muscles in your forehead, which can help to raise the brow and reduce drooping.
  • Supplement with collagen – this will help to keep your skin strong and elastic, which may prevent drooping.

The good news is that a heavy brow is treatable. A number of different droopy eyebrow treatment options are available, from non-surgical remedies to plastic surgery.


There are a few options to fix drooping eyebrows. If the droop is mild, lifestyle changes and preventative methods may help. For moderate drooping, anti-wrinkle injectables can be injected into the muscles to temporarily relax them and raise the brow. If the droop is severe, surgery may be necessary to lift the brow to its normal anatomical position.

What Is an Eyebrow Lift?

A surgical brow lift or eyebrow surgery is a procedure to raise drooping eyebrows. It can be done by:

  • removing excess skin
  • repositioning the brow
  • lifting drooping muscles in the forehead

The type of brow lift surgery you have will depend on your individual case, as well as your surgeon’s preference and expertise. The most common types of brow lifts are the endoscopic brow lift and the open brow lift.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

An endoscopic brow lift is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning that it involves smaller incisions and results in less scarring than other types of brow lifts. In this type of surgery, an endoscope (a small camera) is inserted through tiny incisions in the hairline. Dr Doyle uses the endoscope to guide him as he repositions the brow muscles and removes any excess skin. Using this method, brow lift scars are inconspicuous and well hidden.

Open Brow Lift

An open brow lift is a more traditional type of surgery, in which an incision is made along the hairline. Through this incision, the surgeon will be able to access the muscles and skin in the forehead, which they will then be able to reposition or remove as necessary.

Either procedure may be a better option for you, depending on your individual case. Dr Doyle will be able to advise you on which type of brow lift is best for you.

Benefits of Brow Lift

Brow lift has a number of benefits, including:

  • Reducing drooping and sagging in the brow area
  • Lifting drooping eyelids
  • Reduce a heavy brow ridge
  • Smoothing out deep forehead wrinkles and creases
  • Improving vision by opening up the eye area
  • Creating a more youthful appearance

If you are considering brow lift surgery, it is important to consult with an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr Doyle. He will be able to assess your individual case and recommend the best course of treatment.

Surgical Brow Lift vs. Botox Brow Lift

There are a number of different ways to lift drooping brows, including surgery and non-surgical methods such as anti-wrinkle injectables. So, which is best for you?

A surgical brow lift offers a more permanent solution to drooping brows, with results that can last for years. However, it is a more invasive procedure than anti-wrinkle injections. It also requires a period of recovery, during which you may experience some swelling and bruising.

An injectable brow lift, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive way to lift drooping brows. The results from these injections are not permanent, but they can last for several months. There is also no recovery period required after the treatment.

Cost and longevity are important considerations when comparing the two. Brow lifting injectables will be recommended every 3 months, which can become a costly affair. If you’re after a permanent solution to eyebrow lifting, investing in plastic surgery is a reliable option.

Brow Lift Surgery: What To Expect

If you are after lifted brows and a forehead lift, a brow lift may be a suitable option.


Brow lift surgery is always performed under general anaesthetic and takes 1-2 hours.

An endoscopic brow lift is Dr Doyle’s preferred treatment for drooping eyebrow. It involves using an endoscope to lift the brow and underlying tissues and muscles in the forehead. This process is done from up to 5 different angles to return the brow to its original position.


Most patients can return home the day of the procedure. You will need to take approximately one week off work to recover. Bruising and swelling is usually minimal with this type of brow lift.

Post-Operative Instructions

You should avoid hot showers, saunas or strenuous exercise for at least two weeks after your surgery. It is also important to sleep with your head elevated for the first week to reduce swelling.

Dr Doyle will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions. These will usually involve washing them with soap and water, and applying an antibiotic ointment.

You should see a noticeable improvement in the appearance of your brows within a few weeks.


What Is a Non Surgical Brow Lift?

A non-surgical brow lift is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to lift drooping brows. It involves anti-wrinkle injections to relax and raise the eyebrow muscles. Results are not permanent, but they can last for several months.

What Is a Brow Lift Surgery?

A brow lift surgery is a more invasive procedure that can be used to treat a droopy brow. It involves making incisions in the hairline and then lifting the brow position. Results from this type of surgery are permanent.

How to Fix Uneven Eyebrows?

Uneven eyebrows can be due to a number of reasons including muscle imbalance, genetics or previous injury. If the problem is due to muscle imbalance, anti-wrinkle injections can help to correct the issue. If the problem is due to genetics or previous injury, brow lift surgery may be required.

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles?

There are a number of different ways to get rid of forehead wrinkles, including anti-wrinkle injections, laser resurfacing and brow lift surgery. The best course of treatment will depend on the severity of the wrinkles.

How to Get Rid of Frown Line?

A frown line is a wrinkle that forms between the eyebrows. They can be treated with a number of different methods including anti-wrinkle injections, laser resurfacing and brow lift surgery.

Next Steps – Book a Consultation with Dr Doyle

If you’re interested in cosmetic surgery to fix a drooping eyebrow, contact Dr Doyle’s office for a consultation. He will assess your individual case and recommend the best treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. To book an appointment, call 5598 0988 or submit a confidential enquiry form.

About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plast) – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Dr Mark Doyle is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over thirty years of experience. He specialises in face lift surgery in Gold Coast and Brisbane, and also offers a range of body and breast procedures.

Dr Doyle is a fully qualified Doctor and surgeon. He has completed all required training to be a Specialist Plastic Surgeon and is driven by an committed to providing excellent standards of care.


Do Your Research

What to Bring to Your Plastic Surgeon Consultation

  • Bring a friend or relative for support and discussion regarding your choices
  • Take notes and read all provided information thoroughly
  • Read about what to expect in your Initial Surgery Consultation

Book Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

  • Get a Referral from your GP or specialist – this is required to book a consultation with Dr. Doyle.
  • Email us or call on 07 5598 0988 to arrange your consultation appointment.
  • Pay your $285 Consultation Fee in advance to secure your consultation.

Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.

Send an enquiry form today or phone 07 5598 0988 during Clinic Hours.

*DISCLAIMER: All information on Dr Mark Doyle website is general and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Results can vary significantly and depend on individual patient circumstances. All images on this website, unless specified as real patient images, are stock images used for illustrative purposes only. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your surgeon. Book a consult for details regarding your cosmetic surgery procedure.

Dr. Mark Doyle AHPRA Registration: Dr Mark Doyle MED0001375519 Specialist Plastic Surgery – MBBS FRACS FRCS

Dr Mark Doyle