There are many products out there that promise to make us look younger. They say that they can make our skin tighter and firmer. But, are they truthful claims? Can you trust them to tighten face skin? With so much noise in this space, it can be hard to know which facial skin tightening treatments are the best. There are new trends every day and they all promise to make your skin look better and fix a drooping face. But, it’s important to do your research before you choose a treatment.
Face sagging is an inevitable part of ageing. With age, our facial skin falls forward and down, and we lose volume in the central face. And unfortunately, fancy topical treatments and devices are unlikely to give you the results you desire. Yet, there are ways to tighten loose skin to look more youthful. And, when it involves loose facial skin, plastic surgery is one of the only reliable options.
Dr Doyle believes that face lift and facial fat transfer are the best facial tightening treatments available.
Facial Rejuvenation
What Causes Saggy Skin on Face?
Many factors contribute to facial skin laxity. Including:
Ageing is the primary cause of a saggy face. As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, which are the proteins that keep skin tight and firm. When combined with gravity, we often see our once firm skin droop and sag.
Sun Exposure
Sun damage also plays a big role in facial skin laxity. Ultraviolet (UV) rays break down collagen and elastin, which leads to sagging skin on face.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes can also cause facial skin to sag. For example, during pregnancy and menopause, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop. This can lead to a decrease in collagen production, which can make skin lax.
Smoking is also another cause of facial skin laxity. This is because it restricts blood flow to the skin. This prevents important nutrients and oxygen from getting to facial skin cells. Usually this present as fine lines, wrinkles and loose skin on face and neck.
Weight Loss
Finally, weight fluctuations can also lead to saggy face skin. When you lose weight quickly, your skin doesn’t have time to adjust and this can cause it to sag. This is especially true the older we are. Because we don’t have sufficient stores of collagen and elastin for our skin to ‘bounce back’.
Facial Skin Tightening Treatments
There are many non-surgical and surgical skin tightening treatments for face that can help to tighten loose facial skin. They all vary in invasiveness and effectiveness. Typically, the more invasive a procedure, the more effective and long-lasting it will be.
Please note that topical treatments and creams can only do so much for loose skin. It’s not possible to get facelift-like results from a jar – regardless of what’s promised. Treatments to improve sagging skin include:
Non-Surgical Options
A non-surgical face tightening treatment uses energy to heat the deep layers of your skin. This helps to stimulate collagen production, which can lead to tighter, firmer skin. Popular non-surgical treatments for skin tightening on face include:
- Ultrasound therapy
- Radio-frequency therapy
- Laser therapy
Each of these comes with its own set of specific benefits and side effects. So, it’s important to do your research to see which treatment for tightening skin on face is best for you and your goals.
Cosmetic Injectables
Cosmetic injectables are another popular non-surgical treatment to appear more youthful. These work by plumping up the skin and filling in wrinkles and lines. Popular cosmetic injectables used for tightening face skin include:
- Dermal fillers
- Skin booster injectables
- Anti-wrinkle injections
Please note that cosmetic injectable treatments are only able to treat mild skin laxity. They can ‘fill’ in areas that are lacking volume, but cannot remove face sagging.
Again, each of the above treatments come with their own set of specific benefits. So, it’s important to consult with a registered nurse to see if facial injectables are right for you.
Surgical Procedures for Tighter Face Skin
Surgical facial skin tightening treatments provide the most dramatic and long-lasting results. Face tightening works by physically pulling the skin tighter. This is why plastic surgery is the most beneficial way to tighten sagging jowls or lift droopy eyelids, for example.
There are a few ways to fix a drooping face. But each person is different, so your doctor will need to plan your surgery differently. The first step is always to consult with Dr Doyle and tell him exactly what you want to achieve. Then, he will help you figure out the best way to achieve your anti-aging goals.
Some face tightening procedures include:
Facial Fat Transfer
Fat transfer restores lost facial volume and can fill pockets where there is loose skin. This not can plump and tighten skin on face, but it can reduce sag as the skin can stretch over a larger surface area. The result is a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance with fewer lines and wrinkles.
Face Lift
A face lift tightens facial skin by removing excess skin and re-draping it. The goal of a face lift is to improve the appearance of the mid-face and lower-face. It is specifically helpful for treating jowls and deep nasolabial folds.
Neck Lift
A neck lift tightens skin by removing excess skin and re-draping it. The goal of a neck lift is to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline. It is often combined with a facelift for optimal results.
Best Facial Skin Tightening Treatment – Dr Doyle’s Recommendation
The best treatment for face firming depends on your appearance and what you want to achieve. The aim is always to provide you with the most effective and long-lasting facial skin tightening treatment for you.
Dr Doyle always recommends facial fat transfer as an add-on to face lift surgery. It can help you appear more youthful and vibrant by adding more volume to your face. It smoothes out creases that can make us look older. For example, deep nasolabial lines, marionette lines (around the mouth), thinning lips, sagging cheeks and hollowing under eyes. By increasing the volume in these areas, sagging skin is less. And, when combined with a facelift, loose skin can be excised completely – leaving us looking younger and rejuvenated.
To learn more about facial skin tightening treatments, or to book a consultation with Dr Doyle, please contact our office today.
How to Tighten Sagging Skin on Face?
Facelift and facial fat transfer are the best ways to tighten sagging face skin. And, when combined together, they are the ultimate in facial skin tightening.
In this procedure, saggy skin is pulled tight, the excess is removed and areas with little volume are filled. Typically, facial fat grafting includes chin liposuction to extract the fat. This helps to remove chin fat and create a more contoured side profile. The final result is smoother, tighter, and firmer skin. And, no more drooping face.
Facial Fat Grafting Recovery
Recovery time for facial fat grafting is usually about two weeks. During this time, you may experience some bruising, swelling and tenderness. However, these side effects will subside within a few days. And, once they do, you’ll be able to see the full results of your facial fat transfer.
What’s the best age to get a Facelift?
There is no one size fits all answer when it comes to the right age for a facelift. While our patients range from their mid 30’s to late 70’s, most are in their 50’s or 60’s. Different stages of life each have their own pros and cons when getting a facelift.
How Long Does Fat Transfer Last in Face?
Fat transfer to the face is a long-lasting facial rejuvenation treatment. In most cases, the results of facial fat grafting can last for many years.
How Do you Fix Saggy Cheeks?
Depending on the amount of loose skin, saggy cheeks can be improved with:
- dermal filler to the cheeks
- fat transfer to the cheeks, and
- lower face lift surgery
However, a face lift is the best way to fix saggy cheeks. This surgical procedure can help to remove excess skin and improve the appearance of the mid-face and lower-face.
Does Fat Grafting Help With Wrinkles?
Facial fat grafting can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles. By adding volume to the face, facial fat grafting can help to fill in creases and give the skin a more youthful appearance.
Does Facial Fat Grafting Leave Scars?
Facial fat grafting is a minimally invasive facial rejuvenation treatment. As such, it does not require any incisions or stitches. And, because there are no incisions made, there is no risk of scarring. If anything, scarring is limited to small needle marks.
Next Steps – Book a Consultation with Dr Doyle
If you’re interested in cosmetic surgery to improve sagging face skin, contact Dr Doyle’s office for a consultation. He will assess your individual case and recommend the best treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. To book an appointment, call 5598 0988 or submit a confidential enquiry form.
About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plast) – Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr Mark Doyle is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over thirty years of experience. He specialises in face lift surgery in Gold Coast and Brisbane, and also offers a range of body and breast procedures.
Dr Doyle is a fully qualified Doctor and surgeon. He has completed all required training to be a Specialist Plastic Surgeon and is driven by an committed to providing excellent standards of care.
Do Your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Read our Frequently Asked Questions
- Learn about the Risks and Complications of Surgery
- Download our Plastic Surgery Guides
- Browse Dr Doyle’s YouTube Channel
What to Bring to Your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative for support and discussion regarding your choices
- Take notes and read all provided information thoroughly
- Read about what to expect in your Initial Surgery Consultation
Book Your Plastic Surgery Consultation
- Get a Referral from your GP or specialist – this is required to book a consultation with Dr. Doyle.
- Email us or call on 07 5598 0988 to arrange your consultation appointment.
- Pay your $300 Consultation Fee in advance to secure your consultation.
Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.
Send an enquiry form today or phone 07 5598 0988 during Clinic Hours.
*DISCLAIMER: All information on Dr Mark Doyle website is general and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Results can vary significantly and depend on individual patient circumstances. All images on this website, unless specified as real patient images, are stock images used for illustrative purposes only. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your surgeon. Book a consult for details regarding your cosmetic surgery procedure.
Dr. Mark Doyle AHPRA Registration: Dr Mark Doyle MED0001375519 Specialist Plastic Surgery – MBBS FRACS FRCS